Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Sorta getting used to this whole "Blogging" deal.

Now that its been a few weeks (And almost 100 followers!) later since my first blog post, I'm getting used to using blogger!
You guys noticed that I added a background cool right? Don't get me wrong, I always knew how to add one of those basic default background that blogger provides. But I've seen some of you guy's blogs and you've got some amazing custom backgrounds!

So can some of you guys provide tips to improve my blog's aesthetic appeal so that I can enhance your viewing experience?

This is your chance to complain/give tips etc.. Help me to help you!


  1. looks like ur coming along fine im still learning as well.

  2. I really like how you have your text colors set to match the background but the red bar across the top is a bit odd.

  3. also i cant read any recent comment entries on the right-hand side.

  4. Really awesome blog.

    Snogglemedia.com is a great place for media as well.
    Check out my blog for music that I have made :)

    Deff follow

  5. We all got used to it :)

  6. Your blog has a nice clean look to it.

  7. very cool background man. check out my blog as well

  8. Yeah, your blog is very classy and smooth. Some of these people just slop something together, but you are doing a very good job, keep up the good work :)

  9. i think it can be bit addictive actually.

  10. Looks good to me but could do with a few more widgets if you really want to get fussy.

  11. Your blog looks good. If I had to pick a flaw, the background is a little grainy. You might wanna pick another image that isn't as pixelly. It's not a big problem though.

  12. Keep it up. You'll get used to it.

  13. I don't think it's pixelly. Maybe it's been switched since that comment? Looks good all around!

  14. glad youre getting the hang of it!

  15. Just work with it and see what works with you. Readability is a big thing for me. I mean, being able to read the text without getting a headache.

  16. congrats on almost 100 followers and also a nice background

  17. Congrats to being close to 100 followers.

