Friday, May 13, 2011

Terraria Online! Release date given!

As many of you have read in my earlier blogpost Terraria is a 2D blockbuilding/survival game much like minecraft. However it focuses a little more on the RPG aspect and less on creativity.

Well the developers have released their official release date a little earlier than expected.

Its coming out this Monday (May 16th) instead of June and it will be available to purchase on Steam for $9.99.

Heres a little more gameplay to show since I didn't really show enough.

Its basically an example of what a dungeon might look like in this game. I must say, the mobs in this game are much more diverse than in minecraft. (A little too many slimes for my taste)

I'm sure people would enjoy it as much as minecraft if they gave it a chance. But thats just my opinion.


  1. At $10, it sounds pretty fair. I won't have the money any time soon for it (every penny counts right now), but when I have cash to spare I might just get that to kill time.

  2. I have yet to play Minecraft but i hear so much about it. I might look into this one.

  3. Interesting game, but I'm not sure if I'm willing to drop $10 on it. I think I'll just stick to Minecraft.

  4. I've seen this videos. Looks interesting really!

  5. this actually looks really cool. and it has enough of a different feel from minecraft that i think i could actually stand to have my life steadily consumed by both of them. now to find that $10 somewhere...

  6. The think I like the most about Terraria is how it reminds me of the old Castlevanias

  7. I've been playing Minecraft a lot recently, maybe I'll try this out.

  8. For 10 bucks I can take a look

  9. this game looks really neat

  10. Never played Minecraft. Looks too addictive.

  11. interesting game there
    I'll have to check it out


  12. I think I'll be getting this game.

  13. Pretty reasonable price. I hope it's a reasonable game too!

